Who Are We ?

Our Vision

 Toward a safe and poverty-free society that is able to adapt and deal with the challenges that face the community to live in peace.

Our Message

 It is the most effective one in meeting the needs and building the community’s capabilities in accordance with the best professional and humanitarian standards through highly experienced staff.

Our goals

 1.FRD contributes to achieve sustainable development and reducing
poverty among families in Yemen by adopting developmental and
humanitarian projects in partnership with donors and relevant
.locally, regionally and internationally.

2.It initiates the provision of various humanitarian services to the Yemeni
community in a distinguished manner through the preparation and
implementation of programs and projects that achieve a remarkable
.impact on the lives of the beneficiaries.

3.FRD empowers women and children to participate in the process of
construction and comprehensive economic development through
social integration and equal opportunity programs.

4. It raises youth’s level in the cultural and scientific aspect .Furthermore, FRD develops their capabilities and talents, and activates their role, to be an active and basic partner in society, and have a role. to bring about peace, stability and the sustainable
.development process